Internet Fury Erupts After Man Tries to Make Money Off His Brother


An irritated young man driving a vehicle is expressing his road rage..
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A man shared a short story about how his brother thinks he is wrong for demanding more money to buy his car than they had agreed initially. Online, folks call him unethical for charging the “real price” of the car.

Buy a Car

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According to the OP, his brother, and wife wanted to purchase their RaV4 vehicle because they had a baby and their Honda Civic vehicle was too old. They went car hunting this year.

The OP wanted to sell his car, too, and had received a $14,500 offer from Carvana. The OP said he would sell the car to them if they matched Carvana’s offer, and they agreed.

However, the OP and his wife had not picked up a replacement unit and hence could not let go of the car yet.

Go to Disney

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They held onto the car for some time, and every week the brother called to check if they were ready to release it. They decided to hold onto it until after their trip to Disney. After returning, the OP checked with Carvana again and was given a new $16,500 offer. He told his brother about it, and his brother became furious.

The brother told him that they had put off buying another car for months because they thought they had an agreement and were waiting on the OP to make up his mind. They accused the OP of stringing them along for three months and then changing the offer to ask for $2,000 more.


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The OP said that he was just trying to do what he thought was right for his two kids and another on the way.

Almost everyone who commented said the OP was greedy for going back on your word.

You Do Right by Your Kids by Teaching Them To Be Ethical

Image Credit: vladacanon via

The OP was not ethical in his deal, according to some users. One said, “And give me a break trying to “do right by your kids.” You do right by your kids by teaching them how to be an ethical man.”

Another added, “That’s the part that gets to me. OP agreed to the price and then months later went back to Carvana. OP has acted in bad faith the entire time.”

“Doing right by your kids is showing them what it looks like to keep your word,” someone else stated.

He Wouldn’t Tell His Brother if the Offer Was Less

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According to some users, they doubted the OP would have told his brother if Carvana offered a lower price. One said, “If you had checked today and it was LESS than when you had made the agreement, you wouldn’t have said.”

Another person supported this argument by saying, “you guys had a verbal legally binding agreement and then you lead him on for months only to ask him to pay you $2000 more. Greed is not good! If you were an honorable person you would stick to your original agreement. Is the extra $2k worth more than the relationship with your brother?”

And, “You offered to sell them the car for $14,500. They agreed to buy it for that price. Deal is done. Now you are trying to change the deal. If Carvana‘s most recent offer was $5,000 rather than $14,500, would you have lowered the price? I’m guessing not.”

You Messed Your Brother Up

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According to some people, if the OP was straightforward, he should have upheld the agreement he had with his brother. One argued, “You had a contract for sale for one price! You messed them around by holding onto the car and added more miles then had the audacity to charge $2k more on a more deprecated car! They could of brought another car by now and they don’t have time to waste with a baby coming!”

You offered a specific price and they agreed and were waiting on you. That’s a terrible thing to do to your family. You just did a trip to Disney so it’s not like that extra $2000 was going to be the difference between your family being homeless or starving to death, so get that ”trying to do right by my two kids” garbage outta here. If the roles had been reversed and the car lost value, would you want them to do the same?”  another added.

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Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via

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belchonock via

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This article was produced and syndicated by A Dime Saved.

Originally posted 2023-10-23 12:45:39.