This Man’s Thirst for Red Gatorade Knows No Bounds, Not Even When It Means Leaving a Mom Empty-Handed


Furious,enraged man with grumpy grimace on his face,with mouth opened in shout, ready to argue and swear, wants to gain respect, show strength, isolated over white background.
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A Reddit user shared an interesting story about how a mom got upset because he bought all the Gatorade at the store, and she wanted to buy some for her kids.

Big Fan of Red Gatorade

Image Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock.

The OP is a big fan of Gatorade and for a good reason. He suffers from low blood sugar and dehydration, so the doctor recommended he drinks Gatorade to keep his electrolytes in balance. He is also neurodivergent, meaning it is hard for him to change things and try new flavors. The red Gatorade is the only one he likes.

He went to the grocery store and found that they had just restocked the red Gatorade. He grabbed the bottles and put them in the cart. As he walked away, a mom with two kids approached him and asked him if he could spare a few bottles as they were her kids’ favorite flavor and they were out of stock at their local store. He told her he was buying them for his health and he could not spare any.

She Accused Him of Being Selfish

Image Credit: olly18 via

The mother became upset and told him he was being selfish and he should think about others. She told him to take the blue Gatorade instead.

She stormed off eventually.

The OP came to Reddit to find out whether he was wrong in refusing to give her a few bottles.  After being grilled by users, he said the doctor did not specify which color or flavor to take, but since he had OCD, he could not change his routine.

The Masses Weigh In

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The post went viral quickly, with most people noting that the OP acted selfishly. Someone told him that had the roles been reversed, he would have been infuriated, “And I guarantee you if you arrived and this mom did the same thing and took literally all of your special drink as soon as it was stocked, you would be infuriated.”

Greedy and Selfish

Image Credit: kues via

Another asked him whether he would have died if he had spared one or two bottles, “…you are acting like your health would be at great risk if you had two bottles less.” Another added, “Give me a break. You were just being greedy and selfish.”

According to another user, taking the entire stock was selfish, “ taking the entire restocked box (not just, like, the last one or two) is just inconsiderate. You could even have taken 75% and had some leftover for others.”

You Could Have Spared a Few

Image Credit: badynivas/Shutterstock.

“You could have spared one bottle out of fifteen. I get that you feel you need it, and she only wants it, but you don’t know that her kids aren’t also neurodiverse (and she doesn’t have to share that with you if they are). She shouldn’t have yelled at you, but she’s right; it’s selfish behavior,” added another user.

There was no way he could take all that at once, according to another user, “You bought a quantity of red Gatorade that will last you a week or a fortnight, depending on your consumption, from the information you describe. There is really no reason why you needed to take all that at once rather than purchase some at a later date as well.”

Stop Using OCD as an Excuse

Image Credit: AntonioGravante via

A user suffering from the same condition had some words of advice to give to him, “Not for having an OCD and for following it, I’m autistic, and I have some OCDs too. I know how it can feel to you, but that is absolutely no excuse to take literally everything. I can only eat and drink certain things, and when I go grocery shopping, I take only as much as I need until my next shopping trip. You easily could have spared some Gatorade for them.

So stop using your OCD as an excuse and be a decent human being.”

He Thought It Was Odd He Was Invited to His Niece’s Wedding but After Driving for 600 Miles He Found Out Why

Image Credit: Gleb Usovich/Shutterstock.

A Reddit user shared a story about how he was invited to his niece’s rehearsal dinner 600 miles away, which he thought was a bit weird, but he was about to find out why he was invited.

He Thought It Was Odd He Was Invited to His Niece’s Wedding but After Driving for 600 Miles He Found Out Why 

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

Image Credit: michaelheim/Shutterstock.

The original poster (OP) is a student who works as a waitress on the side. However, this story takes place at a restaurant where she DOES NOT work, even sometimes. She was there as a customer, but someone said no.

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via

One Reddit user posted in the “Am I the ***hole” group on Reddit, asking whether she was wrong for cutting her vacation short and returning home after her husband asked her to sleep on the floor instead of the bed.

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Image Credit: Just dance/Shutterstock.

A Reddit user shared a story about how they were invited to a BBQ only to realize they were expected to bring food for the occasion. The hosts became annoyed when they didn’t bring food and refused to buy.

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner? Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital

Image Credit: PantherMediaSeller via

A Redditor posted in the “Am I the ***hole” subreddit to ask whether he was in the wrong for sending his coworker into an anaphylactic shock.

Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital: Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner?


This article was produced and syndicated by A Dime Saved


Originally posted 2023-10-08 09:30:32.