Client Demands Dangerous Massage But Massage Therapist Says No, Fearing Lawsuit


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A Reddit user shared a story about refusing a client because she wanted a dangerous massage, and he feared she would sue if she got hurt.

The OP is a licensed massage therapist working for a chain of spas. They did not make much money, so they relied mostly on tips. They were paid a commission for every massage, but it was still insufficient. The good thing is they were allowed to refuse to see any client at their discretion. The rule was placed to protect female therapists.

She Wanted Me To Hurt Her

Image Credit: deagreez1 via

The OP had seen bad tippers before, but he had never used this rule except for this one client.

The client wanted ultra-deep tissue work. She said she wanted it to hurt. She complained he was not going deep enough whenever it did not hurt. After the massage, she complained to the front desk and refused to tip. The next time she booked with someone else. She would later book with the OP again.

The OP tried everything he could, but she still complained about him and refused to tip. She then went ahead and booked someone else for the second time. After this, she asked for OP. This time he went as deep as he wanted but feared he might injure himself or hurt her.

Feared She Would Sue

Image Credit: Bruno135 via

She was satisfied this time and praised him at the front desk. After she left, the OP decided he would never see her again. He couldn’t risk wearing his body out or a potential lawsuit whenever he saw her. She could sue if she got hurt, even if she was the one who asked for the massage.

Other therapists also refused to see her, and in time she stopped going to their spa.

The Masses Weigh In

Image Credit: golubovy via

Many people on Reddit related to this story, with many sharing their own stories. Here are some of the juiciest ones;

“At my last place of employment, we had a ridiculous amount of bad tippers (apparently, it’s cultural.) I had one lady who would come in regularly with her husband and varying children. Somehow within a few months, I waited on her at least 6 times, and only 1 time did I get $3 on a $50 bill; every other time, she left nothing. So I made it a point to take their order, drop off drinks and whatever they might need, and not come back until they needed the bill. Once she complained about me, I told my manager that they never tipped, and thankfully they let it go. One day she came in with a bunch of people (the ONE time I could’ve added gratuity) and sat in my section; before I could get to them, the host told me she went to the host stand and said they didn’t want me waiting on them.


Horrible Tippers Out There

Image Credit: olly18 via

“After a party where I kept their drinks full, their food came out quickly, and they had zero complaints, a lady handed me the check and said “The change is yours honey”. There was $43 in there on a tab that was $42.90. I dropped the dime off and told her “keep the change, you obviously need it more than me.”

“I have worked in restaurants, I’ve had people tip me 2$ on a 100$ bill proudly after telling me how great their service was. I’ve had people tip me 50 cents for big orders (mainly old people) Good for you for standing up for yourself!! I always feel bad and could never bring myself to say anything, just hope that somehow my other tables will make up for it.”

Half-cent Tip

Image Credit: AsierRomeroCarballo via

“I think that my dad would have taken the crown. I was not there when he did this, but he kept the evidence for the rest of his life. At the time, he was married to stepmom number 4 or 5. The two of them went out to dinner and according to him, the service was beyond terrible. When the bill came, he went out to the can and cut a penny in half so he could leave the server a half-cent tip! He carried the other half in his pocket for the rest of his life just in case he needed another half-cent tip.”

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

Image Credit: michaelheim/Shutterstock.

The original poster (OP) is a student who works as a waitress on the side. However, this story takes place at a restaurant where she DOES NOT work, even sometimes. She was there as a customer, but someone said no.

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via

One Reddit user posted in the “Am I the ***hole” group on Reddit, asking whether she was wrong for cutting her vacation short and returning home after her husband asked her to sleep on the floor instead of the bed.

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Image Credit: Just dance/Shutterstock.

A Reddit user shared a story about how they were invited to a BBQ only to realize they were expected to bring food for the occasion. The hosts became annoyed when they didn’t bring food and refused to buy.

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner? Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital

Image Credit: PantherMediaSeller via

A Redditor posted in the “Am I the ***hole” subreddit to ask whether he was in the wrong for sending his coworker into an anaphylactic shock.

Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital: Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner?

Entitled Much? Sister-In-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes A Village”

Image Credit: TeodorLazarev/Shutterstock.

The family of the original poster (OP) had a tradition of going on fun trips on the kids’ 10th birthdays. OP’s parents had done it for the whole family, and now they want to continue doing it for their grandchildren.

Entitled Much? Sister-in-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes a Village”
This article was produced and syndicated by A Dime Saved


Originally posted 2023-10-19 15:00:55.