A Reddit user shared a post about how he was insulted and accused of being a racist after calling a tow truck on people who were parked illegally.
The OP says he came home after a long day of running errands with his wife and 8-month-old son. He found no parking spots close to the private parking lots his complex provided for their tenants. Each person has a parking pass, and they are required to display the same on the window. The guests were supposed to park on the street or in the parking lot by the store next to the OP’s complex.
Called the Tow Truck Company

The OP was worried about getting his son and stuff soaked since it was raining. He called the tow truck company for the complex and gave them the details of all the 13 cars parked there illegally. One lady who was illegally parked in the handicapped section without a handicap sticker saw him doing this and told him that he was using his white privilege to pull everyone down.
The OP wanted to know whether he did something wrong by doing so.
The Masses Weigh In

Other Reddit users chipped into this conversation, with many saying that the OP did his rightful duty.
A user said the OP was right because the passes are not free, “Those passes and parking lot aren’t free. You pay for that parking space, one way or another, as do all your neighbors. By parking in those spaces without passes, they are stealing space and time from you. Towing rules are posted for exactly this reason.”
The OP was not racist since he did not know who had parked illegally; according to another user, “Not only that, HOW could you or anybody else know the race of people parked rudely?”
They Are Doing Something Illegal

“People pay for those parking spaces; it is a violation of property rights to park without permission,” noted another user.
Another user points out that it was not white privilege, “it’s not “white privilege” if people are legit doing something illegal. How would you know what race the illegally parked cars were?”
Disabled People Really Need Those Parking Spots

“People who park in the disabled parking when they aren’t disabled absolutely s**k, and 100% deserve getting their vehicles towed,” another user argued.
One handicapped user shared her view on this, “Crippled chick here. I depend on handicapped spaces (I’ve got a placard). My balance is bad enough, even with a walker, and that’s before factoring in pouring rain and wet pavement. Thank you so much for making that call.”
If You Don’t Stand Your Ground You Will Have Repeat Offenders

They would repeat in the future if no action were taken against them; according to another user, “Thirteen cars parked illegally means that it is “the norm” for people to park there whenever they want, whether they have parking privileges in that lot or not. You had to do something – if there are no consequences, there will be 25 cars illegally parked in the lot next time. Accusing you of white privilege is just so wrong, and she knows it, but I guess she is just immature enough to use that so it can be your fault rather than admitting the illegal parkers, including herself, are in the wrong.”
She Should Stop Trying To Play the Victim

According to another user, the lady was trying to play the victim; “That lady who told you you’re “using white privilege” is obviously just trying to play the victim instead of taking any responsibility.”
“I’ve never heard that white people are the only ones who can call tow trucks,” added a user, “Have I missed that memo somewhere?”
After paying fees, they may reconsider their future actions, noted another user, “I salute you for giving them consequences for their actions. Maybe the fees they have to pay to get their vehicles back will teach maybe at least one or two of them.”
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This article was produced and syndicated by A Dime Saved.
Originally posted 2023-10-03 18:00:13.