Woman’s Friends Slam Her for Hosting a Dry Birthday Party

Rachel Akinyi

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Is alcohol needed for people to have fun at parties? Are there any other ways to have fun at dry parties and get-togethers? OP, a non-alcoholic, organized a “chill get-together” to celebrate her birthday but ended up on the receiving end of her friends for not having alcohol at the party.

She posted about the entire ordeal in the “Am I the ***hole subreddit” to get Redditor’s opinions.

It Is Just a Chill Get-Together

Image Credit: AndrewLozovyi via DepositPhotos.com

OP is one of those people who do not make a big deal out of birthdays; she does not celebrate them. However, for her 25th birthday, she decided to throw a small party because 25 felt special.

She works in the evenings, so she invited 15 friends to an afternoon party from midday to around 5.

So, here is the thing, OP does not drink, and she cannot mix alcohol with her meds. All her friends know this.

Alcohol-free Day?

Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

She, therefore, baked a cake and bought chips, candy, nachos, and an assortment of soda she knew her friends liked. She also set up board games that her friends would play in groups so that they would have something to have conversations over.

Before the party, OP had let all her friends know that it was just an informal get-together to chill, and they all seemed excited about it.

Where Is the Alcohol?

Image Credit: DmitryPoch via DepositPhotos.com.

However, when they got to the party set-up, they were disappointed that there was no alcohol. Some were even visibly angry. Later, one of them texted OP, saying that it was rude of her not to let them know that there would be no alcohol, and she had not spoken to OP ever since.

OP says she does not drink, and it is not something she considers a “need” for people to get together. Additionally, it did not concur with OP that anybody would want to drink and party in the afternoon as she fully associates alcohol with the evenings.

Is she wrong for not including alcohol on the menu? Should she have spelled out beforehand that there would be no booze at the get-together?

The Masses Weigh In

Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

The thread unanimously considered OP NTA (not the ***hole) and labeled her friends the ***holes for throwing tantrums for not getting served what they had expected.

A lot of other commenters were for the idea that parties can still be fun without alcohol.

No Alcohol Is Actually Refreshing

Image Credit: HayDmitriy via DepositPhotos.com.

One commenter said, “NTA. This culture of NEEDING alcohol to celebrate someone else’s special moments with them is bonkers.”

Another said, “It’s honestly refreshing and fun to do activities without alcohol; it’s so central to socializing that it’s nice to have a break. My friend and I get together once a month, do crafts, play video games, and have snacks and sodas like in high school.”

Bring Your Own Drink

Image Credit: deagreez1 via DepositPhotos.com.

A group of commenters could not believe that OP’s friends expected OP to buy alcohol for 15 people, yet they showed up empty-handed.

One said, “That’s not even the real issue here (I mean to me, as an alcohol drinker). Who shows up to a party (knowing 12/15 people are going) expecting the host to provide all the alcohol?! Like what? Showing up to a party without your alcohol is rude as f***.”

Another added, “I find this odd. I’m 32, but when my friends host parties or bbqs or anything, you generally bring something to contribute. That’s often a six-pack of beer, but it could also be some chips or finger food. It seems weird that they all expected alcohol but didn’t bring any. I guess it’s just different ages/cultures. Also NTA, though.”

No Meat at a Vegetarian’s House

Image Credit: AsierRomeroCarballo via DepositPhotos.com.

A section of commenters thought OP’s friends were being delusional for expecting alcohol to be served at the birthday party of someone who does not drink.

One of them said, “NTA. They know you don’t drink – of course, there would not be alcohol. Expecting alcohol at your place would be like going to a vegetarian’s expecting meat. And it was beyond rude for anyone to {complain} about it.”

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

Image Credit: michaelheim/Shutterstock.

The original poster (OP) is a student who works as a waitress on the side. However, this story takes place at a restaurant where she DOES NOT work, even sometimes. She was there as a customer, but someone said no.

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via DepositPhotos.com.

One Reddit user posted in the “Am I the ***hole” group on Reddit, asking whether she was wrong for cutting her vacation short and returning home after her husband asked her to sleep on the floor instead of the bed.

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Image Credit: Just dance/Shutterstock.

A Reddit user shared a story about how they were invited to a BBQ only to realize they were expected to bring food for the occasion. The hosts became annoyed when they didn’t bring food and refused to buy.

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner? Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital

Image Credit: PantherMediaSeller via DepositPhotos.com.

A Redditor posted in the “Am I the ***hole” subreddit to ask whether he was in the wrong for sending his coworker into an anaphylactic shock.

Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital: Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner?

Entitled Much? Sister-In-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes A Village”

Image Credit: TeodorLazarev/Shutterstock.

The family of the original poster (OP) had a tradition of going on fun trips on the kids’ 10th birthdays. OP’s parents had done it for the whole family, and now they want to continue doing it for their grandchildren.

Entitled Much? Sister-in-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes a Village”
This article was produced and syndicated by A Dime Saved.

Originally posted 2023-10-08 16:00:53.