Guest Gets Kicked Out of Wedding for Throwing Tantrum Over Lack of Alcohol

Rachel Akinyi

The headache is represented on the face of the beautiful bride in a wedding dress near a bed,
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Must weddings have alcohol? And if a wedding does not have alcohol, should the bride and the groom inform their guests beforehand? OP attended a friend’s wedding, which turned out to be a dry wedding, and OP was not having any of it. He got into an altercation, confronting the newlyweds for not having alcohol during “cocktail hour.”

This Is a Dry Wedding …

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OP, a 35-year-old man, attended his best friend’s wedding. This friend drinks alcohol, and so does OP and their entire friend group. The group occasionally meets at breweries to hang out.

OP’s friend’s now wife does not drink. She has never done it and was not about to do it for her wedding.

On the night before the wedding, OP and his wife got a hotel room close to the wedding reception and would be taking an Uber to and from the venue.

So the ceremony goes well, and then they get to a time when OP thought it was cocktail hour. To his disappointment, there was only soda and water. This is something they should have known ahead of time.

Where Is the Booze?

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There was an audible buzz among the friend group for the lack of booze. OP says many of them had spent much money hoping for booze at the ceremony. He was so annoyed that there was only water and soft drinks.

So the bride and groom walk to the cocktail section, and everyone is cheering and happy. They then start walking around and mingling with everybody. But when the newlyweds got to OP, OP asked them where the booze was. The bride explained that her family does not drink, and since they were paying for the wedding, there was no alcohol.

I Shouldn’t Have Come

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OP retaliated, saying they should have known there wouldn’t be booze ahead of time. He added that he had wasted his money on a hotel room and Uber only for the ceremony to have no booze. He did not stop there; he said he would not have attended if he had known it.

The Newlyweds Did Not Take It Well

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The newlyweds did not take OP’s commentary well. The bride even added that OP could have a drinking problem. He, however, says he only drinks when he is around his friends, and this wedding ceremony was an excellent opportunity for that. The groom asked OP not to be an ***hole, but he did not stop. At this point, the bride was so annoyed she asked OP to leave.

OP and his wife left, but he had clearly touched a nerve. Then there were mixed reactions from the friend group, but OP’s wife thinks he wasn’t wrong, but his timing was.

Was OP the ***hole?

The Masses Weigh In

Image Credit: ESB Professional/Shutterstock.

The thread Labeled OP the ***hole and even thought his friend deserved better friends.

One said, “You said this to someone, supposedly your best friend, at his wedding? What is wrong with you? YTA. I hope he finds some better friends now!”

Poor Timing?

Image Credit: B-D-S Piotr Marcinski/Shutterstock.

One user thought it was the bride’s and groom’s obligation to let their guests know there would be no alcohol. What do you think?

They said, “I agree they should have told everyone ahead of time that there would be no alcohol, but the timing of him bringing this up and saying he may not have come at all makes him AH. YTA.”

The groom probably did not inform his friends because he knew they would protest. One commenter noted, “Maybe the groom feared his friends wouldn’t be there for him if they knew it was a dry wedding. Or that they wouldn’t stop {complaining} about it, & he didn’t want to deal with the complaints when he should be enjoying his day.”

Weddings Are for Celebrating Newly Weds

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One commenter noted that weddings celebrate people you love, and what is served should not matter.

They said, “Going to a wedding as an excuse to get drunk is weird and kind of sad. I can get drunk at home or go to a bar if I want to “let loose.” I go to a wedding because, on some level, I care about the people getting wed and want to celebrate that with them in the manner they’ve chosen to do that.”

And finally, another said, “If most of your friends only go to weddings to get drunk, then most of your friends are ***holes.”

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

Image Credit: michaelheim/Shutterstock.

The original poster (OP) is a student who works as a waitress on the side. However, this story takes place at a restaurant where she DOES NOT work, even sometimes. She was there as a customer, but someone said no.

I Don’t Work Here! Karen Wants Her To Serve Them in a Restaurant She Does Not Work At, “Don’t You Take an Oath or Something?

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via

One Reddit user posted in the “Am I the ***hole” group on Reddit, asking whether she was wrong for cutting her vacation short and returning home after her husband asked her to sleep on the floor instead of the bed.

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Image Credit: Just dance/Shutterstock.

A Reddit user shared a story about how they were invited to a BBQ only to realize they were expected to bring food for the occasion. The hosts became annoyed when they didn’t bring food and refused to buy.

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner? Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital

Image Credit: PantherMediaSeller via

A Redditor posted in the “Am I the ***hole” subreddit to ask whether he was in the wrong for sending his coworker into an anaphylactic shock.

Office Lunch Thief Suffers Anaphylactic Shock and Ends up in Hospital: Who Is In the Wrong, the Thief or the Food Owner?

Entitled Much? Sister-In-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes A Village”

Image Credit: TeodorLazarev/Shutterstock.

The family of the original poster (OP) had a tradition of going on fun trips on the kids’ 10th birthdays. OP’s parents had done it for the whole family, and now they want to continue doing it for their grandchildren.

Entitled Much? Sister-in-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes a Village”
This article was produced and syndicated by A Dime Saved.

Originally posted 2023-10-14 15:30:08.