Elderly Karen Tries To Get Man Fired for Being Lazy, but He Doesn’t Even Work There


Closeup portrait, mad, angry, upset, hostile, senior mature woman, worker, furious employee, yelling, hands to open mouth, isolated white background.
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A Reddit user shared an interesting story about how he outwitted an elderly woman who tried to get him fired and arrested three times because he could not get her the product she wanted inside a store.

The OP worked for a drink vendor, and his role was to visit stores to ensure they were well displayed. He stocked the shelves with beverages and replenished them whenever necessary.

Stop Being Lazy and Find the Product

Image Credit: nicoletaionescu
via DepositPhotos.com.

A few months earlier, the OP was working in a small grocery store when an elderly lady approached him and asked him to get her a certain product. He told her he did not know where the product was. She huffed, and this is where things started going downhill.

She told him to stop being lazy and go find out where the product was since it was his job to know where everything in the store was. The OP started telling her that he didn’t work there, but she cut him off by insisting he worked there since she found him restocking the shelves.

She Threatened Him

Image Credit: Christy Thompson/Shutterstock.

She told him she’d scream that he tried to hurt her and ruin his life if he did not help her.

According to the OP, he had read many scary Reddit stories of such encounters and knew such a thing was possible. He tapped on his earphone and pretended to talk to someone. When she asked who he was talking to, he told her she had caught him in the midst of recording a podcast, and hence her threat had been recorded. He told her to leave, or he would ruin her life instead.

Called the Manager

Image Credit: TeodorLazarev/Shutterstock.

She left but came back a few minutes later with the manager. She told the manager that the OP had recorded her without her permission and should be fired immediately, and the police called.

The OP asked her if she had told the manager why he had recorded her and told her if she did not tell him, he would. She said it didn’t matter since she had tried the threat on many other employees, and it always seemed to work. She asked the manager to fire the OP and call the police for the second time.

This is when the OP confirmed that he never recorded her and that he was listening to a podcast. Without losing a beat, she screamed that he had tried to hurt her and asked the manager to call the police for the third time.

Hormonal Drugs

Image Credit: kues via DepositPhotos.com.

The OP calmly told her that he had been on hormonal drugs for the last couple of years, and as such, he was not in a position to perform any sexually-related activity. Because of this condition, there was no way he would have tried to hurt her.

She left in a huff and left the manager and OP laughing loudly at the encounter, which could have easily turned ugly fast for the OP.

The Masses Weigh In

Image Credit: Dundanim/Shutterstock.

The Reddit community seemed to enjoy the story; many had exciting rejoinders.

One person shared a similar experience, “I’m mildly deaf on one side and always get mistaken as an employee in bookstores because I’m a book nerd. I had at least two different women grab me because I didn’t hear them when I was a teenager. Both times I ended up hitting them out of instinct. Both times an actual employee was within eye line of us.

And both times the manager ended up chewing them out for assault on a minor (13 first time and 15 the second). I was there so often that if they hadn’t grabbed me and just got my attention like a normal person I woulda told them where what they wanted was and probably have recommended more books. I have since gotten tired of that constant experience (and my husband has a book budget for me lol) and so mostly buy books online now.”

You Should Have Called the Police

Image Credit: Geartooth Productions/Shutterstock.

Another person said that it may have been better if the police were called, “OP should have asked the manager to call the police. The customer uttered a threat, and repeated it in front of the manager. She said she has done it before, so she should feel the impact of her threats.”

“Should have probably called the cops yourself. At that point you had a witness to being threatened with a false allegation. Lady needs to see consequences in order to stop this kind of behavior,” agreed another user.

She Could’ve Ruined Your Future

Image Credit: Christy Thompson/Shutterstock.

According to another user, she must have hurt many people, “The fact that she admitted to LYING ABOUT THAT NUMEROUS TIMES BEFORE should’ve warranted a call to the police. Who knows how many innocent people she has hurt because of her ludicrous entitlement?”

Another user was mortified that the woman was willing to utter an accusation that could ruin OP’s future without much thought, “That is just horrible. I’m sorry you had to deal with such a horrible person. An accusation that could ruin your entire future and she thinks that is acceptable. Disgusting. Not only is she willing to ruin the rest of your life, she is undermining those who are actually sexually assaulted, which means some people are less likely to believe the truth of actual victims.”

They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

Image Credit: Just dance/Shutterstock.

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They Were Invited to a BBQ but Then Showed Up to An Empty Grill Because The Hosts Thought They Were Bringing The Food

She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via DepositPhotos.com.

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She Went Back Home After Her Husband Chose to SHARE THE BED With His Friend and Asked Her to Sleep on the Floor

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Image Credit: vladacanon via DepositPhotos.com.

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Petty Revenge? His Neighbor Thinks He Owns the Street Parking Spots in Front of His House Until He Is Given a Taste of His Own Medicine

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Image Credit: TeodorLazarev/Shutterstock.

The family of the original poster (OP) had a tradition of going on fun trips on the kids’ 10th birthdays. OP’s parents had done it for the whole family, and now they want to continue doing it for their grandchildren.

Entitled Much? Sister-in-Law Wants Her Daughter’s Disney Trip Paid For Because It “Takes a Village”

She Came Home And Her Wedding Dress Was Gone, He Had Returned It Because It Was “Too Expensive”

Image Credit: poznyakov via DepositPhotos.com.

Imagine coming home and finding your wedding dress missing from the closet… and then finding out your fiancee returned it to the store without asking you.

A Reddit user shared her story of going off on her fiancee for returning her wedding dress.

She Came Home and Her Wedding Dress Was Gone, He Had Returned It Because It Was “Too Expensive”


Originally posted 2023-09-28 16:00:14.