Relationships can be tricky, especially when faced with difficult situations. A crisis in a relationship can lead to bad decisions, making it challenging to maintain a healthy dynamic. This was the case for OP, a 28-year-old woman who found herself in a difficult situation.
Her sister, A, had been staying with her family. However, things took a turn when A’s behavior began to impact OP’s relationship with her daughter. As tensions rose, OP faced the tough decision of addressing the issue while maintaining a positive relationship with her sister.
We Are Family

A has been staying with OP’s family for a month and a half. She had some issues with her boyfriend and needed a place to stay. OP’s husband was hesitant about letting her stay, but OP insisted since she’s family, and they’ve always gotten along well.
The first couple of weeks were fine, and A even went out of her way to help her around the house. She cleaned up, cooked meals, and even took care of her three-year-old daughter. Initially, OP appreciated her help, especially since she was always busy or tired from work.
Everyone needs an extra hand these days. When someone you trust and love offers help, it’s hard to say no to them, especially when it gives you time to rest.
Overstepping Boundaries

However, things took a strange turn when A started doing everything for her daughter. She insisted on making her meals, bathing her, putting her to bed, and playing with her. At first, she didn’t think much of it, but it became increasingly bizarre. A would stop her and take over whenever she tried to do something for her daughter.
Last night was the final straw. OP decided to give her daughter a bath, and A came into the bathroom and basically pushed her out, telling her to go to sleep and that she would take care of everything.
being obsessive

That’s when she knew something was seriously wrong. She confronted A, telling her that she was being obsessive over her daughter and that she didn’t feel comfortable with her staying in her home any longer.
While A’s intentions may have been good, her behavior was inappropriate. As a parent, you are responsible for taking care of your child and making decisions that are in their best interest. It wasn’t easy to ask A to leave, but it was necessary for the well-being of OP’s family.
A was upset and packed her things to leave. OP’s mother called her later and told her to apologize to A, who was only trying to help. However, her husband agreed with her and thought A’s behavior was strange.
Now, OP is left wondering if she was wrong. Should she have let A continue to take care of her daughter? Was she too harsh in asking her to leave?
It’s Deep

Interview-Man thinks OP could have handled things better.
“So instead of having a conversation with your sister about this behavior, your response is to kind of stew over it for a while and then kick them out? Even after you admit they were previously doing you a favor? YTA and cruel.”
u/AgentAlpo has a different viewpoint:
“NTA. Did her issues with her boyfriend have anything to do with having children? Her behavior is strange, and it makes me wonder if she was using your daughter as a surrogate for a child her boyfriend doesn’t want to have with her. If this all sounds accurate, she needs therapy.”
In the end, family matters can be complicated, and it’s not always clear what the right course of action is. This particular case seems very deep, as there may be many reasons behind A’s behavior. However, we can navigate even the most difficult situations if we act with love and concern for one another.
Do you think A deserved it, or was OP a little too harsh?
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Originally posted 2023-11-04 10:30:58.